Change your Personal Address

In the latest release of Wurk, you can request a change to your contact information within the system instead of directly contacting your supervisor or manager. This is done using the Update My Contact Information HR Action.

If you don't see this HR action in Wurk, your Administrator has not enabled it and you will need to contact your supervisor or manager outside of the system (by email, phone, in person, etc.). To simply check your personal info to decide if you need to update it, see Viewing Your Personal Info.

If your personal or mailing address changes and you typically receive physical checks, your address information in Wurk must be updated on your profiles, otherwise, you might not receive your paycheck in a timely fashion (therefore we recommend paperless paydays).


1.  From the main menu in Wurk, search for Update My Contact Info (or navigate to My Info>My HR>HR Actions and select the AVAILABLE tab). Then next to the Update My Contact Information HR action, click Start. A form presents where you can submit your new address(es), with blue tabs along the left for each section of the form.

2.  Update the information in the form as needed, using SAVE and CONTINUE to advance through the tabs in the form. Anything you do not change will remain the same.

3.  Once all required and new information is complete, click SUBMIT to send the update for review and processing.

4.  Confirm your submittal.

5.  Once the request is reviewed and processed, your new address information will go into effect (based on the Effective From date).